How to Sanitize Fresh Produce

How to Disinfect Fruits and Vegetables

Health crises awaken people about the importance of hygienic practices and how they can save you from serious diseases. As more people gain awareness about sanitation and hygiene, it’s important to not just focus on environmental cleanliness. You should also ensure that the food you eat is properly cleaned. This is especially true for fresh produce such as fruits and vegetables.

Just washing fresh fruits and vegetables may not be enough especially if they have been exposed to germs and residues before they reached your kitchen. You’d only want products that are safe to eat. Here are some of the steps that will teach you how to disinfect fruits and vegetables.

How to Disinfect Fruits and Vegetables

  1. Always wash your hands before touching or preparing fruits and vegetables. Use soap and warm water to wash hands for 20 seconds.
  2. Disinfect the prepping area. Kitchen counters, chopping boards, and tabletops where you may place your fruits and vegetables must be thoroughly disinfected to ensure that contaminants and microorganisms are not eliminated.

TIP: Use a natural disinfectant with a safe and mild formula to ensure that they can get rid of harmful pathogens while keeping fruits and vegetables safe to eat such as Bestlab’s natural disinfectant solution and sanitizer.

   3. There are different methods to thoroughly clean fruits and vegetables depending on their classification.

            a.   Firm produce. This refers to fruits and veggies with firm skins such as lemons, oranges, pears, apples, potatoes, turnips, and other root vegetables. These fresh products should be brushed using with clean and soft bristle to ensure that residues are removed from their pores or outer covering

            b.   Delicate produce. There are also fruits and vegetables that are classified as delicate. These are the ones that may easily disintegrate if washed and cleaned under a steady water stream or with gentle friction. Examples of delicate produce include berries, mushrooms,  

            c.   Leafy greens. When washing vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, leeks, and other cruciferous vegetables, it is important to remove their outermost layer. Afterward, soak them in a bowl of cool water then swish, drain, and rinse using fresh water.

   4. Take note of damages or bruising. Make sure to remove damaged parts before preparing or eating.

   5. Prevent cross-contamination. Rinse before peeling. This way you can prevent the transfer of dirt and germs.

   6. After running fruits and vegetables under water, dry them using a clean cloth or paper towel. This will help further reduce bacteria that may still be present.


Why It Is a Must Disinfect Fruits and Vegetables

  • Fruits and vegetables have been exposed to different elements as well as people before they reached you so you are not sure about their cleanliness.
  • Reduce harmful residues such as pesticides and herbicides that may be found in fresh produce.
  • Prevent the ingestion of harmful pathogens that may be present in fruits and vegetables.
  • Prevent the possible occurrence of foodborne illnesses.
  • Remove the gritty taste especially from fruits and vegetables that were grown in dirt or on bushes, vines, or trees.

ALSO READ: Sanitation Tips to Keep Your Home Clean and Safe All Year Round

These days, it is essential to make smart choices and turn away from habits that compromise health and safety. While there’s no guarantee that you will no longer acquire foodborne illnesses if you’ll disinfect fruits and vegetables, the extra step you take to sanitize before eating them will reduce your risk.

If you are in search of disinfectants that can help get rid of harmful pathogens whether in the fruits and vegetables you prepare or in the environment, BestLab offers safe and effective natural disinfectants to keep you free from worries. Check out our products now.

You can also find BestLab on Shopee and Lazada.